Let’s Collaborate!

Congratulations, you’ve reached this point! You’re all set to collaborate with an editor.

If you’re seeking in-depth information about each service, the details below offer a comprehensive guide to what you can anticipate.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about my services or pricing.

I’m more than happy to tailor a package to suit your project’s needs.

Professional Editing Cost?

Depending on the project and type of service, I’ll provide you with a personalized quote.

Check out my video where I breakdown the cost of what to expect during the book editing process. Feel free to get in touch today to receive a quote!


The primary purpose of copyediting is to enhance the quality and clarity of a manuscript’s text. It focuses on improving the content, language, and style of the writing to ensure it meets a high standard of readability and professionalism.

Copyediting is the process of reviewing and improving the text of a manuscript for clarity, coherence, consistency, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and overall language usage. The primary goal of copyediting is to ensure that the text is as error-free as possible, well-structured, and reads smoothly. Copyediting may involve more extensive revisions to improve the manuscript’s overall quality.

  • Correcting grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
  • Ensuring consistency in style, formatting, and terminology.
  • Checking for proper sentence structure and clarity.
  • Eliminating redundancies and awkward phrasing.
  • Fact-checking and verifying references (if applicable).
  • Reviewing for adherence to a specific style guide (e.g., Chicago Manual of Style, AP Stylebook).

How Copyediting Benefits the Author:

  • Improved writing quality and readability.
  • Error prevention and correction.
  • Enhanced clarity and coherence in the narrative.
  • Consistent style and formatting.
  • Professionalism and credibility.
  • Increased appeal to publishers and readers.


The primary purpose of proofreading is to perform a final check for errors and ensure that the manuscript is free from typographical, formatting, and mechanical issues before publication.

Proofreading is the final stage of the editing process. It focuses on the mechanical aspects of the text, rather than its content or style. Proofreading does not involve making substantial changes to the content or style of the text.

  • Correcting typographical errors, misspellings, and typos.
  • Ensuring consistent formatting and layout (e.g., margins, font size).
  • Checking for proper pagination, headers, and footers.
  • Verifying that all elements (e.g., headings, captions, page numbers) are in their correct positions.
  • Reviewing for adherence to a specific style guide (e.g., Chicago Manual of Style, AP Stylebook).

How Proofreading Benefits the Author:

  • Error prevention and correction before publication.
  • Polished, error-free manuscript.
  • Consistent formatting and layout.
  • Professional appearance of the final product.
  • Reduced risk of reader distractions or confusion due to errors.

Beta Reading

Beta reading is a form of early-stage feedback provided by individuals who are avid readers or members of the target audience. Beta readers assess the manuscript from the perspective of potential readers and offer subjective opinions and constructive criticism.

  • Providing feedback on plot, pacing, character development, and overall story.
  • Identifying inconsistencies or gaps in the narrative.
  • Offering insights into the book’s appeal to the intended audience.
  • Suggesting improvements to engage and captivate readers.
  • Noting any confusing or unclear passages that might need revision.

How Beta Reading Benefits the Author:

  • External perspective on the manuscript.
  • Insights into how the story is perceived by potential readers.
  • Identification of strengths and weaknesses.
  • Suggestions for enhancing the manuscript’s appeal.
  • Opportunity for author growth and revision.